Truth about six packs abs-what is syphilis?

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Тагови: Six Packs

Sexually transmitted disease syphilis (CYX). Syphilis from person to person vaginal, anal and oral sex to pass the time. Syphilis syph-smallpox or any other name that means bad blood.  


Symptoms of syphilis


Initial symptoms in the first week, 12 weeks after the first sexual intercourse occurs. Most men tend to focus on the symptoms of syphilis patients. The majority of women do not have symptoms.  


Syphilitic patients should pay attention to what


Wound in the skin - called Chancre.

Wound may be one or a few. Wounds are small and can be overwhelming. They usually qanamırlar.

Penisdə wounds, testicles, genitals, lips, and other areas on the way to the uterus, mouth, throat, anus, fingers can be.

Wounds to the side of the tumor in the lymph glands.

Why is Syphilis dangerous?


Sifilisdəki to give you insight into the wound 1 week, 8 weeks may be lost.

Despite the wound, does not mean that you sagalmısınız. Syphilis is still your bədənizdədir, other roads can be opened again.

6-8 weeks later, you're as sick of influenzal. You have fever, pain, loss of appetite, inflammation of the throat, which can be a headache.

Body skin, mouth, hands and sex organs ovcunda can be rash.

Syphilis in some cases, hair loss, sore throat, eye, brain, nerves, intestines, liver and kidney problems may occur.

Influenza like symptoms 2-6 weeks is passing away. But you still sagalmamısınız. A person who Sifilisi untreated, syphilis, then the brain, spinal cord, brain, heart and other organs show itself. Syphilis is not treated, a person can be blind. After the infection, the patient may be a human-unfit and mentally. Syphilitic mother hamilələik time and eventually it can carry the baby can be born with congenital defects in children.  


Sifilis nədir?

How can you be found to have syphilis?


The only way you dəqiqləsdirməyin of syphilis according to the doctor or go to the clinic. If you have a wound, there is no need to check on her sifilisdən. If you have any scars sexual organs, do not necessarily require a syphilis test. Perhaps you do not have scars, but the specific test you can have in the past sifilisə yoluxmanızı. Sifilisə tests before marriage is necessary in many cases. Pregnant women and their babies to protect themselves sifilisə an absolute must for the test.  



Self    something to protect


Your lack of sex is the best way to protect themselves from syphilis and other CYYI. You have only one sexual partner and sifilisdən CYYI protection.


Protection in other ways:


Use latex condoms during sex. Sexy condoms can protect CYYI and sifilisdən. Both men and women are to use condoms.


Be tested for syphilis and to assess the health of CYYI important.


If you have more than one sexual partner, is one of the necessary conditions to test. CYYI sex with the person you're likely to have to deal with.


Do not use alcohol or drugs during sex!  


If you have syphilis ...


Syphilis can be treated with antibiotics.  


If you have symptoms, stop the medication intake.


T am sagalmamıs is not recommended to have sex!


Give your sexual partner is informed about it. Your partner should also be treated.


Otherwise, he can carry the disease to another person.


After the treatment, re-test to make sure the full treatment.





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