(Cure infection) vitamins

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Health, Health Care, Health News

Finally, one of the greatest sources of this vitamin cod liver oil, which is available in pharmacies in the form of tablets. B vitamin known as vitamin B to this vitamin group of vitamins are: vitamin (B1), vitamin (B6), vitamin A (b 12)
• Benefits this vitamin is: Play this group plays an important role in the activity of the human body, and glitter eyes and flexibility of the nerves, and the effectiveness of the brain, and restoration of cells and tissues damaged.

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• Sources of vitamin (b). Vitamin C, known as vitamin C or ascorbic acid
• The benefits of this vitamin: increases shine skin color and brightness, and enhances the power of the body and fit spoil what age, it is essential for cell growth, and helps heal wounds. One of the first signs of deficiency in the body occurrence of bleeding in the gums.
• Sources of vitamin (c). necessary to pay attention to that this vitamin spoil the cooking or a way to save, so we must get it in large quantities of raw foods and fresh, like fresh lemon juice and raw vegetables juice and fresh vegetables and fruits. Vitamin D, known as vitamin D
• The benefits of this vitamin: researchers called on the name of this vitamin beauty, we are given whereby n ** b rotated facial harmony between good, as n ** b whiteness of teeth. If you have a grunt in the teeth or gum bleeding or if your nerves tense without interruption, it is due to a lack of vitamin D.
• Sources of vitamin (d). Vitamin E known as vitamin H

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• The benefits of this vitamin: This vitamin is essential for the establishment of the pituitary gland its important functions, a growth and fertilization, so it is used in cases of drop embryos and in some cases paralysis and avoid dystocia. It is advisable to pregnant mother should eat whole meal bread (brown), and add to their food wheat cultivar newly order not happen to have an abortion.

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