
Нема објављених категорија
Institute of dietetics and nutrition
Sparkling water increases the attractiveness of many drinks and contributes to the pleasurable sensations when drinking, whether it quenches thirst with soft drinks or mineral water. The process of carbonation which delivers bubbles in carbonated beverages,…
Taking medication for panic disorder
So far I'm not cured; it’s just sometimes having a relapse, even when taking medication.I wish everyone who suffers from panic disorder to give up, the better. Even if the timeAnd I want to make this diagnosis generally known. You would not believe…
Exercises with a bench for a slender body
Bench as a strongholdFirst a starting position - a foothold on the forearms, tummy tuck, Straighten and tighten backPull alternately one and the other leg so that your right knee dragging to the left elbow and left to right elbow.2.a. starting position…
Exercises for the back of your dreams
View a simple exercise for beautiful and strong back! You dream about a beautiful back and shoulders? You do not need to lift weights and go to the gym, simple exercises for flawless back you can do at home following instructions For this simple exercise…
Exercises to correct scoliosis
Egoscue exercises bearing joints back into a neutral anatomical positionDue to sedentary lifestyle feeling pain in his back and kneesWenceslaus Svoboda , Egoscue therapist, emphasizes the importance of Egoscue method in eliminating musculoskeletal pain,…