Povećanje grudi ugradnjom silikonskih implanta je sada prošlost. Konačno postoji potpuno prirodan način da se poveća obim grudi, potpuno bezbolno bez hiruške intervencije. Reč je o BRAVA sistemu povećanja grudi koji se veoma uspešno…
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The mere fact that the Smooth beam laser treatment is suitable for a wide group of people suggests that that before you sit in the waiting room of a laser center, there is no need to visit your GP, even after asking for treatment recommendations. Ordination…
In GynCentrum perform all of the above used methods of treatment of fibroids (ad 1-4). In addition, however, since 1999, laparoscopic myolysis under ultrasound control (AD 6) - in GynCentrum newly developed surgical technology. The new method is based…
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Ako odlucite da posetite Beograd, nemojte zaobici stomatolosku ordinaciju Cerec Centar. Izuzetnog kvaliteta zubarska ordinacija, opremljena zadnjom tehnologijom, higijena na vrhunskom nivou, a zubari i osoblje kvalifikovano vec prijatno i druzeljubivo.…
Used ripple frequency and duration of our tests are not diagnostic in terms of negative thermal or mechanical effects in the investigation of fetal tissue or pregnant women. During pregnancy, the pregnant women who are in the care of our department conducted…
It also has a minor role in the synthesis of proteins, as well as to increase the concentration of calcium in the blood should be at the use of steroids to measure this hormone to see which are measured to a sonar where every mature egg expresses the…
The treatment is painless and takes place in two stages. First, we will freeze the ice biolysis of fat cells . Thanks to fat cells cease to exist. The second step is called a shock wave that mechanically removes cellulite and improves blood flow throughout…
Ideally, the activities that promote always naturally affect the production of growth hormone (GH) as well as the use of supplemental to implement its production, such as the amino acids lysine, coniine, argentine. However, the use of illegal stimulants,…
Cellulite - characteristic of the diseaseCellulite is a process characterized by the formation of papilla and dimples in the skin, wrinkling of the skin. Cellulite is aptly described as the,, orange skin., Since the appearance of orange zest. Cellulite…