6 useful rules for pregnant

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Health, Health Care, Health Program

Pregnancy-related increase in weight at least requires a few simple rules for protection.
Everyday walking shopping and household chores almost always remain the responsibility of the prospective mothers, but in any case they should not be overwhelmed, because during pregnancy, heart and lungs are experiencing a "double loading", which may result in shortness of breath and other more serious unpleasant consequences. https://medium.com/@lenabrock15/how-to-remove-belly-fat-aa321458a861

Of course taking care to not threaten the health of the family, mother and child, but with the increase of the weight a woman should learn to move with minimal loss of strength and energy.

If your pregnancy is proceeding without complications and are filled with strength and energy, learn to navigate properly. But if there is the slightest threat to abortion or premature birth, you will need a full peace and above all seater mode. In that case, forget about all your other commitments and only think about the child.

1. how to bend correctly

After six months the child is with your weight on the spine and causes unpleasant pain in the back. Avoid all movements that force you to bend – in such a case, the load on the spine is growing two times. If you need to pick up something from the floor, as I lean forward, slightly bend the legs and redistribute on the weight of your body. Use this position if I have to wash the bath or to fix a low bed.

2. how to become properly

The future mother sleeping most comfortably on one side. But attributing the weight it is advisable to place a small pillow between your knees. Sufferers of pain in the kidneys, can put a pillow under the country upon which they sleep so as not to distort his back.

From the bed up with slow and gradual movements that do not strain the muscles of the abdominal cavity. If you lie on your back, before becoming a turn to one side, as you issue your shoulders a little bit forward and ... http://www.sccs.swarthmore.edu/users/09/leo/intlblogday/forum/read.php?1,5284

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