In terms of healthy fats

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Health, Fat, Fitness, Healthy Fats

I'm sure you've heard about the dangers hidden in trans fats, which are found mainly in various cooked foods (fried, etc.). Such fats certainly do not need! Saturated fats found mainly in meat and some dairy products should be consumed in limited quantities, but it is not a good idea to completely eliminate as Trans fats.

Well, in terms of healthy fats, and those giving the green light.

At the same time enrich the diet with healthy fats is not too difficult, and many of you have surely committed. It is obvious to you that you are adding to green salad a bit of olive oil? Great! Try using even the oil from flax seeds, which will also serve well. Certainly you should prioritize in the kitchen cold-pressed oils. Alternatively, you can flavored vegetable salad and a few crushed walnuts.

I eat breakfast porridge? Great. I whole-grain cereals contain small amounts of healthy fats, and when in addition to stir the porridge spoon of flax seed, you are on the right track.

You can see that increase your intake of healthy fats will not be difficult. On the contrary, it is often necessary to watch the dose. If you consume too many calories (even in a healthy form), your body is going to store excess energy as fat reserves.

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