Fitness and strength training

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Health Expert, Health Review

Condition began to improve very slowly. Very valuable advice from Petra considers this: "It does not solve what is there structurally, there is your age each, solve function!"

I also began to address the issue of sitting at the computer in the office. This, as everyone suspects is not suitable for humans. As my coach says fitness and strength training Pave: "The chair is the greatest crime committed against humanity." Seating 12 hours in a chair with hip flexion and flexion of the lumbar spine, followed by "stretching" in the gym when standing up trying at all costs to touch the tips of toes to the shoulders of "loose" (she is released so that you end up in the hospital "pseudo dead strokes" with a rounded back, or MMA training, when the 30 minutes rehearsing something in the Guard. Everywhere flexion. It can be 12 hours in a chair all workout? Not. One can compensate Flex? This is complete nonsense. Today it is clear that it is good to Gym least walk a little ahead, doing it, certainly not arrive there in flexi car right after work.

I used to watch high-quality chairs, balls, mats to sit on, but common sense finally prevailed. I was not born so I sat on my ass 12 hours with hip flexion and rounded back.

My self Herry Jim, Professional and experienced Fitness Trainer I love to write article and reviews about Health, Fitness, Weight loss, Fat loss, Yoga, man and women issues and ETC.


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