Do you know what is dangerous to sleep chest

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Health, Health Care, Health News

If you wear a bra during sleep, especially those containing metal rods, here we offer these facts about the seriousness of sleep chest strap, so avoided: A study was conducted in five U.S. cities, on a sample of the ladies, numbered 2056 lady with breast cancer, and in 2674 a woman is ill with cancer, and included questions about the number of hours that you put on every one of them a bra throughout the day, and feel the effects.

Confirmed Answers women with breast cancer, and a relationship between wearing a bra for long periods, and between contracting the disease; has emerged percentage of contracting 125 times, for women who did not use the bra for a long time , Director of the Institute of Medical Studies for 

scientific purposes in the "Hawaii : "The corset chest" panties "affect on the device" lymphocytic "in the body, where the pressure on the breast for long periods of time leads to the formation of" a debilitating toxin "reasoned cancer. pregnancy miracle scam
The sleep strap chest during sleeping hours ranging between 7 and 10 hours, hampering circulation and adversely affect the movement of fluid, especially if you're wearing tight or in size your body, also causes uninterrupted sleep strap chest redder and scars become chronic, especially where pressing rubber strips on your body, What may cause itching and skin ulcers, and to avoid this is to either Strip off the bra during the night or a soft cloth. Among the reasons for insomnia core, which may be behind the negative impact on your physical and mental are sleeping strap chest and narrow, which is pressing on the cage movement and hinder your deep sleep, as well as the sweating during the night is you cannot be avoided,For More Information

especially during summer heat waves, but you can you avoid skin allergies that produces about areas where corset or bra, in case during sleep. Although studies on the causes of sleep chest strap being infected breast cancer is still not clear, however, that prevention is a duty in this context, especially in light of the spread of the disease without knowing the real causes and ways to prevent it effective.

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