Fat loss factor - tips for those who want to get fat

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What is the cause of thinness, and what to do with it?

First you need to figure out a healthy skinny or not. A person can lose weight because of diseases such as diabetes, digestive disorders, and metabolic, hyperthyroidism, immune deficiency, blood diseases, bronchial and lung diseases. In this case, one must first cure the disease, and then think about how to gain weight. 

If you do not have health problems, it may have insufficient human fat cells, and it has a low appetite as quickly saturated.Therefore, we should try to have more, for example, 3 times a day - the main meal and between meals, three snacks. 

Products, the most useful for those who want to get better: chicken and turkey meat, pork, beef, lamb, pork, natural butter, milk fat , fat cottage cheese, sour cream village - one in which a spoon is, eggs, herring, salmon, salmon, trout, eggs, peanut oil, hazelnuts, cashews, almonds, walnuts, peanuts, coconut, potatoes, chocolate, Grandma's pies, buns , pie, halva, honey and jam.

Need to boil the milk, and cook the potatoes in milk. Cocoa is better to wash down food with cream or tea with milk.Suitable for a sweet compote of dried fruits. During snack is raisins and dates. On the night of fat yogurt or a glass of whole milk with 1-2 tablespoons of honey. After the meal, wishing to recover useful lie. Our grandmother said, "Why do men smooth? Ate, but on his side. " And the folk wisdom says that it is not in vain coined afternoon nap, it allows fat to tie.Modern medicine believes that in addition to malnutrition, for example, an excess of low-calorie, cold, raw food, self-restraint in eating and rare meals, can lead to thinness and dehydration body. So you need to drink per day for at least 2 liters.And according to doctors, even 3 liters. Strange as it sounds at first glance, but you can lose weight and the low physical activity Article Resource by Fat Loss Factor. 

So for those who want to recover a very important fresh air, not the seat in the evenings and weekends around the computer monitor and TV screen. Ski touring in the countryside during the winter and summer chores during the summer.Although excessive physical and mental stress are not welcome. Lose weight a person can, and the constant hassle, stress at work, quarrels with the people in the household. So the world is not only important in the world, but also in the work community, and most importantly - at home. are thin and hyper-sexual people. And also those who take stimulant medications such as amphetamines. 

There are many ways people gain weight. Here are some of them. 

1. 3-4 pieces of dried fruit and 3-4 almond soaked in 1 cup of milk for 2 hours. Eat before breakfast, sprinkled with a pinch of anise. The course of a month. 

2. Useful mint tea. Mint tea bags sold in pharmacies and brewed as a tea. Or, take 1 tbsp. of dry grass mint, chop and boil 1 cup of boiling water. Infuse for half an hour, take 1/3 cup 3 times a day. 

3. Just as you can brew mint tea bags or herb nettle. In the spring try as often as possible to cook green nettle soup and report it in all kinds of salads, previously scalded with boiling water. 

4. The berries of barberry improves appetite and digestion. They can be added to the milled tea, main meal. Come up and jam barberry. Or make tea from the berries in a thermos. 2 tbsp. spoon barberry berries, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of black currant and 1 tbsp. teaspoon dried rose hips make 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse the whole night.Drink throughout the day in equal portions. useful as jelly from fresh and frozen berries with sugar and sugary fruit drinks any of them. Good idea to be like Winnie Pooh and always carry a little bit of honey for a snack.

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