Natural cure for herpes - recipes from folk medicine

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Health, Health Care, Health News

How many times have you happened to feel how you behind the fever blister? In addition to pain and tingles, herpes and aesthetic problem because it has to cover, disguise, and when it is smeared over acyclovir or zinc paste (ointment for herpes that you usually get from a pharmacy) remains white stains on the face, because it is a thick fat white.
Herpes is a result of infection with herpes simplex and most often occurs in the area of the mouth (herpes labialis). This virus is spread by direct physical contact such as a hug, a kiss, and using the same cutlery or personal hygiene etc.
At the time of infection with Herpes infected person may not have any symptoms or not, there is always visible to the fever blister. Most people with herpes can infect even in childhood, and that it does not even know.  Your Guide to Ultimate Herpes Protocol The Official Website
After transmission, the virus usually remains hidden in the nerve near the mouth or nose and waiting for their five minutes. When a person becomes infected, the virus is constantly present in the organism, and the lips behind when it comes to low immunity, after the common cold, flu or other infections as well as due to exposure to excessive stress, sunlight, and some women even at the age of menstruation or with hormonal disorders.
When you feel that you will break out of herpes, the most effective is to start immediately with the application of antiviral drugs and locally; propolis, garlic (garlic), lemon balm tincture and raise immunity with the help of echinacea, propolis, zinc ... Some doctors recommend vitamin B complex in mega doses, and some patients have confirmed that it is indeed an effective solution.
If the use of these funds as soon as you start to feel an outbreak of herpes, can prevent outbreaks at all, and if it has already started, will certainly contribute to its rapid withdrawal. When herpes, as well as with other viral infections, there is no point in taking antibiotics because antibiotics are not effective against viruses, but how to treat herpes naturally, or who are natural remedies for herpes.

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