Eliminate cold

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer


It is better to start cold: mix a little mustard powder poured a bucket of hot water, keep a bucket of legs 10 minutes (foot bath) xəstələnməni stops.


Take a piece of white radish, cut the inside of his head, and the score of the game until half qoyunOnu his place in a warm place for 4-6 hours doldurunTurpun period from saxlayınƏmələ 3dəfə juice per day, a table spoon of edinBu acceptance, healing soyuqdəyməni the effective methods are considered.


Up to one-third of those with pneumonia several times a day keep the glass dosabı icsələr, they see the benefits.


VardırO an effective anti-inflammatory medications such as Abkhazians made ​​in folk medicine: best beat 400qrtəmizlənmis garlic, 550qr 96 grade alcohol qatırlarButulkanı black paper twisted into a few mint leaves to disappear 10gun saxlayırlarIyini 2 layers of gauze on it atırlarSonra suzurlər10gun saxlayırlarBu this case, the drug received per day by adding milk 50g edirlərBir 3dəfə 1cay spoons from Cold few days later there is no trace.


One of the simplest ways to treat the common cold: a spoon of chopped səbur 1cay 1stəkan plant brew, infused in boiling water, a day, an hour before a meal 3dəfə 1xorək spoon to drink.


To instill nose: 50g of onion juice and mix it well with hot water poured over half a teaspoon of honey or sugar added half an hour saxlayırlarOndan nose dropped several times during the day.


Lowering the temperature to soften anti-inflammatory herbs and cough mixture is made ​​by brewing this rule: 25qr linden blossom, 10qr hips, 5g chamomile, plantain 10qr, 20qr bagayarpagını xırdalayıb qarısdırınOndan take 4 table spoons, 1litr Pour boiling water, brew, infused the soyudun4 dəmləmədən adding a teaspoon of honey 3 times a day, drink 1 cup every time.


1 cup carrot juice during cold physicians folk mixed with a teaspoon of honey in the morning, they said that it is better than an empty stomach to drink.


Sip of warm milk before going to bed qurtumicmək fennel juice or honey to add a little bit lazımdırSudə olarBu, common cold is one of the most affordable mualicələrindən.


Shepherd the same amount of cushion flower, valerian root, thyme and 4 tablespoons qantəpər flower xırdalayıb qarısdırınOndan tokunUzərinə 1 liter of hot water was added to the teapot dəmləyinOndan a glass in the morning and in the afternoon, in the evening, and lie down on the bed and drank 2-3 cups edəcəksinizƏgər feel quite relieved myself firmly ortunErtəsi days olunsanız 2-3 days of treatment with this rule will be completely cold body.





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