Miraculous skin beauty tips

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

The famous surgeon Mehmet Oz, 1 minute, let's focus on the advice of a miraculous skin more beautiful. Focused on women's beauty care! "There is no need to spend hours to look great," said world-renowned surgeon Professor Turk. Dr.. Mehmet Oz, beautiful skin in a short period of time is a simple, but effective recipes he said. This is the Professor. Dr.. Seeking a quick and easy beauty tips 

Makeup remover:


Use baby shampoo instead of expensive makeup irritates skin cleaners. Baby shampoo on a cotton wipe pouring makeup.


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For glowing skin:


Coffee powder and olive oil mixture is thick (as pie) Prepare a mixture. Carefully massage your face and wash off after 30 seconds. Coffee has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Olive oil for moisturizing the skin to have a radiant and soft.


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Soft lips:


Cartdamıs moisten your lips in a natural way. Mix a drop of honey and a pinch of palm sugar powder. Wait 10 seconds, rubbing your lips. Wipe the damp towel. Honey is a great moisturizer. In contrast, without drying out your skin of dead skin in the salt, sugar provides cleaning.


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Speed ​​up your metabolism: an unintentional movement of the finger on the play at hand, including any action will speed up your metabolism. Increase in the metabolic rate that occurred in the heat of each degree increase of 14 percent. Meanwhile, the protein provides a natural way to consume the same things. When you lie down and speed your metabolism slows down by 10 percent.


Icy against indigestion recipes


Umbilical region of the abdomen and bloating (swelling), and a lot of fat people problem. Dr.. Mehmet Oz, qabarıqlıgın said that the biggest cause indigestion, lemon mint ice kubiklərinin good effect of this concern, he said. Dr.. Self, mint leaves, lemon juice made ​​into an ice cream and a glass of water, 3 cubic jumped qəlibində suggested that the consumption.


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Eat and gozəlləsək


- Live in a very important B vitamin called biotin to the skin. Biotin eggs, nuts and gets beech.


- Always eat eggs. In particular, the yolks. The fat is in the yolk, the skin protects the outer part of the skin that keeps in the water.


- Tomatoes, never give up. Protects the skin against the sun in lycopene, which is a very important item.


- A, C and E to consume foods rich in vitamins is very important to have a healthy and youthful skin.


- Avocado, cookies, salmon, foods, healthy fats, such as are required for the renewal of skin cells and provides Maqneziumu.


- Vitamin B-rich whole-grain bread and cereals consumed.


- To keep the skin moist and supple definitely drink plenty of water.


- A beautiful skin moisture to the skin, such as alcohol and caffeine should be avoided stealing food and drinks.





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