Means against cellulite

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer

What causes cellulite? In other words cellulite "orange peel" is the result of the accumulation of fat tissue. Sedentary lifestyle, improper diet causes it; fat cells grow, the skin loses its elasticity, color solgunlasır. 

However, it is possible to fight cellulite. To do this, every day, once a day or Massage against cellulite. 

Antisellulit pull through problem areas. Try wearing gloves, anti-cellulite massage for 5-10 minutes problematic parts. 

Another option at home "wraps" is. You can choose one of the following. 

1 blue clay "wraps" - to solve the problematic parts in hot water and pull the clay, then wash. Here you can also add essential oils.  

Sellülit əleyhinə vasitələr 2 Green tea "wraps" - a couple of tablespoons of boiling water to brew green tea, and mix. It's a lemon, rosemary and anise essential oils add to the problem areas, and pull the cellophane off and wear long pants. 1 hour, then wash. 

3 Fatty "wraps" - orange, grapefruit, lemon, rosemary essential oil (2 drops each) mix with 15 drops of almond oil, massage problem areas with exercises, pull underpants off and put on top of the cellophane. 1 hour, then wash. 

 Sellülit əleyhinə vasitələr

4 wraps more effective - every day, so you can prepare an ingredient. To do this, you'll need: 

- 2 drops of grapefruit essential oil 

- 2 drops of orange essential oil

- 2 drops of rosemary essential oil 

- 2 tablespoons olive oil 

These oils mix, the problem with the pull of massage places, the film closes with the hottest Wear long pants. Wash after being detained for 1 hour. The result will surprise you in a week. 





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