Follow diet according to health i.d

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Muscle Info, Muscle Trainer, Bodybuilding Tips

To date, experts say there are about 30 000 diets. Unfortunately this diversity does not guarantee success in the fight against excess weight. Way of eating  and diet accordingly but everything else must comply with age.

Merry 20 everyday life

Your daily rate is 2000 calories. Strong metabolism allows you to quickly lose weight, but it should be remembered that obesity is also pretty quick process. 

Hormonal background is not yet definitively established, as well as the skeleton, and that means that you need nutrients, vitamins and minerals. So for 20 

years (exclusion from a group of menu items) are not suitable.

POSSIBLE CRASHES: A common problem during this period is iron deficiency. So the menu should include liver, kidney, egg yolks, oysters, nuts, and asparagus. 

For most women are born - so the body has to have enough folic acid. check this  Adonis Golden Ratio

TACTICS: Must take daily 100 g cooked meat, which combines well with other sources of iron. Choose complex fat containing polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as  omega-3) contained mostly in marine fish and flaxseed.

"SECRETWEAPON": The apples. Discharge day of apples can do wonders: will effortlessly lose weight 2 kg.

30 + everyday life

Food as before, but notice how the weight very easy to start your "stick." This is a sign of natural decrease the rate of metabolism.

POSSIBLE FAILURES: Vitamin C, D, E and zinc are increasingly important for health. So - used more citrus. vitamin D can be found in oily fish and dairy 

products, and vitamin E - in olive oil, flaxseed and almond vegetable oil. Zinc, which is necessary for the normal operation of the immune system is  contained in the largest quantities in marine products, milk, pork and beef.

TACTICS: Limit fat hard cheeses, butter, margarine and finished meat products. You should not take more than 50 grams of fat per day. ideal is the 

Mediterranean diet - vegetables, fish, seafood, grain products, and for dessert - just fruit).

"SECRET WEAPON": limited especially at night. Enter your total ban on feeding after 19 hours.

And 45 are cool everyday life: diet should be geared towards maintaining health and preventing disease. Fasting is contraindicated because it most often  leads to a lack of calcium and other trace elements.

POSSIBLE FAILURES: Enrich your diet with calcium. Besides being necessary for bones and normal operation of the heart, it helps to lose weight as it helps to  burn fat and prevents the reduction of muscle mass. Preferred are natural dairy products. Plug in your food more lycopene - a powerful antioxidant that is  contained mostly in tomatoes. Magnesium deficiency (manifested in the form of migraine, apathy, insomnia) try to compensate by using almonds - 50-70 grams  per day.

TACTICS: diet consisting of plant and dairy products, has been recognized as ideal for adulthood. Oatmeal should be present on each table.

"SECRET WEAPON": You can make landing days - eg papaya (2 kg a day). This fruit helps active fat burning and the enrichment of the gastrointestinal tract  with enzymes. Wisdom of the ages with age metabolism slows down more and more. After 60 year old woman's body needs 1500 calories a day, and muscle mass of  15% by weight. Basicprinciple in nutrition that age is as low fat (less than 40 g per day), the use of defatted cheese and curd, vegetable protein (lentils  and beans) instead of meat, steamed vegetables without fat (but not raw - so as not to burden the gastrointestinal tract. Oat nuts and dried fruit should be  an integral component of the daily menu. Another problem in this age are liquids. On the one hand, the abnormal use of the salt may result in its retention  in the body, leading to edema, and hypertension.

However, on the other it has been shown that elderly people with decreased strength of the fluid in the body  (water is not more than 50% compared with 65-70% of middle-aged). Some advice a day to drink at least 2 liters of fluid, but most experts believe that one has to listen to the individual needs of his body so as not to  provoke an adverse reaction, and not to harm. for more click ( fitness / how-much-physical-activity-do-i-need / )

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