Truth about six packs abs-what we have is a lack of vitamins?

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Six Packs



Today we'll talk about vitamins. In the case of vitamins, which can help us to see!

If you feel you have chronic fatigue, ascorbic acid and vitamin D can help you. It is very difficult to recover from failure. Fruits and vegetables as much as possible yeyinQarabasaqdan, rice, millet, oats, eat prepared foods. Please accept to make vitamin D from ultraviolet baths, sea air is necessary in this case. Only needs to be careful in the hot sun.


If your eyes feel tired and weak during the day if, say, you have a lack of vitamin B2. In this case, carrots, spinach, fish, liver, cheese and egg contribute sufrənizi. 

If you have digestive discomfort, more lean meat, liver, fish, chicken and hinduskanın advisable to eat the flesh of the breast.


Bizdə hansı vitaminlər çatışmır?

Sometimes that happens, even if triggered by light skin, flourish, it is the lack of ascorbic acid. There are a lot of vitamin C, rose hips and black currants. Besides, you need to eat citrus fruits. 

Sometimes people are in such an unpleasant situation: if you use every day, washed in a variety of fragrances, which smell bad. So, it is a lack of vitamin B 12 in humans. This is useful when the red meat and eggs.  


Bizdə hansı vitaminlər çatışmır?

No place and lifted your eyes in the morning or in the six tumors, tumors from the smoke, it bilərYox be a sign of kidney disease, your kidneys healthy if not, then when you catısmırBu vitamin V6 legumes, seafood is good.


Bizdə hansı vitaminlər çatışmır?

Sınırsa teeth often, it catısmazlıgındandır calcium. It is best to use for the dairy. 

Fruits and vegetables in water for a long time to keep the water olmazBu verərərək when they lose vitamins. Qaynatmayın never cooked vegetables, warm fire to cook.




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