Truth about cellulite review - problems with the spine and joints

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Nema tagova

The surface on which you sleep should be tight and repeat the maximum physiological curves of the spine. Ideally, of course, choose a special orthopedic

mattress. Pillow is also important. We should choose a flat, not too hard pillow. Cushion thickness equal to the distance from the plane of the ear to the

edge of the shoulder, in this case, lying on the side of the head position corresponds to the common axis of the spine. Check the position of the body. Try

to sleep exactly, on his back, stretching his arms along the body. Is also a physiological side position with a slightly bent upper leg.
Follow posture - Problems with the spine and joints affect the posture and style of human gait. Make sure you throughout the day - as you walk, stand as, in

this case you leans back, shoulders slouch whether, on which leg you more lean. Availability skew indicates that there are problems in the body. Follow that

the position of the body when walking was as smooth and natural. To feel the correct vertical - walk home with a book on his head. If you feel this

significant discomfort, it makes sense to refer to a specialist, which would eliminate this problem.
Sit correctly - The most common diseases that occur on a background of sedentary work - it osteochondrosis, herniated disc, sciatica, prostatitis, hemorrhoids. In order to prevent these diseases, try to sit correctly.

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