Tom brimeyer program review - risk of increased incidence of malignant tumors

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Tom Brimeyer Program Review, Tom Brimeyer Program
There is a theoretical risk of increased incidence of malignant tumors so do not be taken in the treatment of young people, but absolutely necessary You should not have children after radiation therapy for a period of not less than two months for men and 6 months for women, preferably in You should not breast-feeding for 3 days in diagnostic imaging And 56 days in the treatment of nuclear (i.e. be stopped completely) In the treatment of malignant tumors Tom Brimeyer Program Review We prefer to have therapy after mastectomy full or nearly full of the thyroid gland for malignant tumors TSH should be higher than 30 units, and this mostly happens After stopping treatment with T4 for 6 weeks Or stop treatment with T3 for two weeks - Or after two doses of synthetic TSH (very expensive) Wait for a longer period may have a beneficial effect on more high schools to take radioactive iodine but idle gland severe unacceptable for most patients Days before treatment should take a blood sample to determine the level of TSH and Thyroglobin, and pregnancy test must be done to make sure any worse possible to be pregnant it is not Recombinant TSH is a hormone catalyst factory outside the body and used an alternative to the internal, which requires a long period of hypothyroidism for height (6 weeks), which is very expensive and not available in most of the Arab countries and the interest of it avoided a period of weeks of deficiencies in thyroid function to raise Her omen catalyst Homeland. But it may be very necessary in cases of high schools in the brain that may be affected by failure and thyroid function. Treatment will be under the supervision of a specialist in nuclear medicine in collaboration with the attending surgeon.
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