Fondan bez glicerina
50g margarina
30mL vode
5g želatina
1 kašika svetlog meda
oko 600g šećera u prahu
Najnovije na
Bavarsko pecivo
200ml vode
200ml mleka
50ml ulja
20gr svežeg kvasca
1 kašika šećera
1 kašika soli
800gr brašna tip 400
Za kuvanje:
2l vode
6 kašika sode bikarbone
1 kašika soli
Za posipanje
Lan, susam i morska so
Ukusna jogurt pita, ekonomična i brza večera za porodicu. Zovu je još i lepeza pita, zbog načina na koji se kore savijaju i slažu u tepsiju. Pisani recept: Pita lepeza 500ml jogurta 4 + 1 jaje 1 kašičica soli 500 gr kora za pitu, debelih 100…
Motion with a thrust of the upper block down is very important for beginners because they allow you to acquire muscle strength before the next execution of the various pull-ups on the bar.The upper thrust block - This exercise increases the thickness…
Leg Curl lying on his stomach in the simulator - Flexion lying on his stomach in the simulator with this exercise, you will be able to pump the bottom back of the thigh (called the biceps femoris or hamstrings) and calf muscle. somanabolic muscle maximizerThus…
Skin creams containing vitamin A.Vitamin softens the skin, which in turn will facilitate the penetration of the hair shaft.When shaving, make sure that you follow the direction of the hair growth, shaving against the direction only support in growth.…
Zidni stikeri su dekorativne nalepnice čija je namena ukrašavanje enterijera. Najčešće se lepe na zidove, ali i na prozore, ogledala i nameštaj. S obzirom na to da se zidni stikeri prave u najrazličitijim dimenzijama, bojama…
The first stage of orange skin is not visible at first sight. You need to compress the skin such as the thighs, to appear.With such therefore probably not worry you do not need. Rather, preventive try to worsen.The second stage of cellulite earned him…
The infusion let steep for three hours, then strains it and adds grated ten natural soap. All heat it slightly so that the soap is completely dissolved. Then three liters of juice from oranges, grapefruit and lemon, and everything still stir well. When…
Settle copious fat able vitamins, and protect dry and sensitive - Retain moisture hyaluronic acid - a natural component that is necessary for any type of skin, regardless of the season. She copes with age-related changes, and so it can often be found…
U oblasti prefekture Rodopi obilaske započnite posetom gradu Komotini (56 km od Ksantija, 65 km od Aleksandrupolisa). Posetite arheološki muzej, zatim pogledajte arheološke eksponate retkih istorijskih vrednosti i lepota među kojima se…
You might be living from the midst of a situation when overall health is an important point of consideration. You're not going to stay detached or distant to this distinct factor of discussion. Diet pills in Germany make their mark as well as their inscrutable…
Niske cene rent a car usluga mogu privući klijenta ali ga mogu dovesti I u zabludu. Cena Rent a car usluge može biti All Inclusive u koju su ukljuceni kilometraža, osiguranje i PDV a može biti Basic u koju su – uključeni kilometraža i eventualno…
Shingles is an acute dermatitis caused by a virus neurotropic identical to that of varicella . Shingles is characterized by a rash unilateral vesicles on erythematous background, disposed in groups (bunches) in the path of a nerve touch. Pains of type…
No, in most cases, no symptoms of the underlying disease of the blood vesselsIt may be a heart attack or stroke, the first warning of underlying disease.tinnitus miracle reviewSymptoms of a heart attack include: pain or discomfort in the center of the…