Reader sent us she suffers from slim, and has a range of eating herbs and appetite, and she does not want a diet help at tackle her problem. Responded to this question to specialist diets and expert LOSS, saying, "suffered a lot of people from a weight…
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Breast cancer is the second most prevalent cancers among women has experienced breast reconstruction surgery tremendous development in the recent period to suit different ages, the goal of which is to get the breast is similar to the other breast in…
Dream of building a family is no doubt that the dream tickles the minds of young men and women, and is delayed reproduction of the problems facing newly married, was sent to us young man says I'm in the middle of the third decade…
If the pain began the morning I do not get out of my room, and do not eat the whole day, and I sleep after that hide his pain, and sometimes very rare session pass naturally without pain, what is the best solution? Are these…
Send reader says I suffer from severe pain when my knees more than stand up, especially when the ascent or descent of stairs or peace or when someone hit me with his hand, or someone says that his knee hurt him, I feel pain in…
Research has confirmed the benefit of ginger in it repelling gas, where it enters in the composition of drugs dilating blood vessels, a soothing heat, as it enters increase sexual ability, and in the treatment of menstrual pain, and migraine, anxiety…
The pains that occur during marital cohabitation is a common problem among many women, and can cause an aversion to the practice of intimacy, and wonder many women about the reason for the feeling this pain after or during intercourse, that there is…
In case you're postgraduate or Phd hopeful level, then you realize that a significant segment of what you do and where you go in your scholastic profession will be dependent upon your proposal. Keeping in mind there are those that essentially consider…
Izuzetno dobar sajt sa svim savetima vezanim za trudnocu -
Na pitanje ''Šta radiš '' odgovaram sa ''Živim''.Šta je to živeti?Tumarati zemljom kroz nekoliko godina sa saputnicimakoji su se slucajno našli na istom vozu vremena i prostora.Živeti-znaci rasti iznutra.Rasti iz sebe.Rasti…
U grudima postoji jedno mesto.To je ono mesto na koje cesto stavljamo dlan.Mozda zato sto tu "zivi" dusa.Niko ne zna kako dusa izgleda, niko sa sigurnoscu ne moze da tvrdi da postoji a ipak, tu na tom mestu u grudima neceg ima.Nicim se ne mogu zabeleziti…
Kada bih imao jedan komadić života, dokazivao bih ljudima koliko greše kada misle da prestaju da se zaljubljuju kada ostare, a ne znaju da su ostarili kada prestanu da se zaljubljuju.Kada bi Bog za trenutak zaboravio da sam ja samo krpena marioneta,…
Taxi/pričaNovogodišnje,za mnoge tek zaspalo jutro,zasuto šarenim novogodišnjim kapama,konfetama,odbačenim pivskim konzervama,masnim papirima u kojima su se nalazili specijaliteti sa roštilja,...Nigde nikoga,osim starije…