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Loss of side vision
A hole in the retina is a serious problem because it can lead to a retinal detachment, a consultation with an ophthalmologist as soon as possible is necessary. FloatersWhat can be done with floaters? Floaters can disrupt the clarity of vision, which…
For those instagram photos you don’t really want to show everyone
Sometimes we all get a little Insta-happy. (If you’ve ever posted more than one pet photo in a day, you know what we’re talking about.) read for more details visit my web page But there’s…
Steal kim kardashian's diet strategy
You probably know at this point that Kim Kardashian has been following the Atkins diet to lose her baby weight—she’s talked about it often and openly. But here’s some new news: People magazine published a story today about how Kim incorporates…
Your horoscope can make you eat junk food—seriously!
Trying to lose weight? You may want to avoid consulting the stars. If your horoscope predicts a bummer of a day, you could end up eating more poorly, reveals a new study in the Journal of Consumer Research. for more information about health!The-Onset-Of-Puberty/cpr0/B263A3CD-7E8D-4135-B534-E1623162160F…
Sneaky signals: you will be affected, and you do not know
Sneaky signals: you will be affected, and you do not knowRecent research has demonstrated that the whole idea of "free will" is very relative. We may think we make our own choices, but in the meantime, our brain unconsciously and instinctively influenced…
Woman in red will cost a lot more money
Woman in red will cost a lot more money Men are more interested in women in red and are willing to spend a lot more money, according to her. Introduction to Kyle Leon The researchers draw conclusions in the journal…
Joey atlas truth about cellulite-the mentally demanding situation
The adjustment path: The mentally demanding situation needs to choose a stronger defense - antiperspirant. For example, by Vichy Stress Resist contains a volcanic mineral that absorbs in the moment enough water (it can handle the volume their weight).…
Joey atlas truth about cellulite-the mentally demanding situation
The adjustment path: The mentally demanding situation needs to choose a stronger defense - antiperspirant. For example, by Vichy Stress Resist contains a volcanic mineral that absorbs in the moment enough water (it can handle the volume their weight).…
Joey atlas truth about cellulite-stress can also trigger acne
Stress can also trigger acne. Yesterday you had clear skin flawless and today pimple appeared on his forehead, and that's a long puberty for you? The skin may be either dry or sensitive, though acne appears. It is worth the irritation of the sebaceous…
Joey atlas truth about cellulite-stress causes skin aging
After a long night without sleep can disguise grayed out and sleepy skin serum with shimmering texture and golden red pearl (ideal measuring Life Serum). Second Aging skin Stress causes skin aging in 66% of women, even at the expense of genetic predisposition.…
The body under stress-the body under stress
The body under stress 7 most common problems and solutions guaranteed The stress we experience when we are exposed to extreme conditions. And if we are immersed in it a long time, the body starts to rebel. How to deal with potential problems? The body…
Joey atlas truth about cellulite-different kinds of fruit trees
Grows even wearing itself, it is a so-called auto parasitism’s. It can also be seen in the European mistletoe, which grows only on oaks (hyper parasitisms). Mistletoe find on oak, beech, sycamore, pear, wild cherry and walnut. Mistletoe in an apple…
Nakit rucne izrade
Evo mene ponovo sa mojim nakitom, tu je i novogodisnji nakit.
Sve popularnija elektronska cigareta
Brojne prednosti elektronske cigarete u odnosu na proizvode od duvana, učinile su da danas elektronska cigareta postaje sve popularnija. U mnogim razvijenijim zemljama Sveta ona polako ali sigurno potiskuje duvanske cigarete. Pored vrhinskog dizajna,…
Simptomi i lečenje proširenih vena
Do pojave kliničkih znakova i simptoma proširenih vena dovode refluks i opstrukcija u donjim ekstremitetima. Do pojave refluksa, odnosno povratnog toka venske krvi dolazi kada venski zalisci popuste i ne mogu više da obavljaju svoju uobičajenu…