Najveći “guru” kada je reč o gledanju u Sunce, tzv. sungazing, jeste Hira Ratan Manek (Hira Ratan Manek), koji već više od petnaest godina ne jede hranu i živi isključivo od svetlosti Sunca. Da se ne bi sve završilo na…
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Grad upleten u mrežu dve kulture - Istoka i Zapada... Blizina mora i prisustvo brojnih džamija među čijim kupolama plešu galebovi, čini kompletan utisak potpuno magičnim. Par dana nakon povratka iz Istanbula, slegli su se utisci! Vraćam…
Već je, gotovo naučno potvrđeno, da u današnje vreme jedan juri, drugi kulira. Pitam se, da li vremenom postaneš programiran za ulogu koja ti je sticajem nesrećnih okolnosti dodeljena ili u hodu učiš tekst. Ranije su bar žene…
Ako ste srećni, to vam neće pomoći samo da se bolje osećate već će vam olakšati postizanje uspeha u životu, tvrdi renomirani harvardski predavač. Šon Ektor, autor knjige The Happiness Advantage, kaže da ljudi koji pozitivno razmišljaju…
Reče Cezar i leže između muža ljubimca i mene. Već sam tamo po Fejsu predstavila novog nam člana porodice, elem, pre tri meseca Cezar se svečano uselio u naš dom, s peporukom, ko za guvernantu – lepo vospitan, miroljubiv, ne piški…
Sve više opravdavam poslovicu: “Gde ima dima tu ima i vatre”. Zašto? Zato što je taj ženski instinkt zaista pouzdan. Ko god da je posumnjao u vernost partnera nije posumnjao bez veze. Sumnju obavezno podmazuju gradske…
Iako vole da neke stvari na muškarcu podsećaju na zločeste muškarce, ženama su favoriti ipak dobri momci. Pitanje koje sebi muškarci stalno postavljaju, šta se ženama sviđa na muškima, ima i neke neuobičajene…
Fat first to be burned to show for your muscles. The best way to burn fat, build muscle is by setting the best diet and exercise.The plan is actually more important than exercise, but they are both still required. Simply midst of what you can learn to…
"density" refers to the time to rest between the two groups, only rest one minute or less time to make the muscle mass increases rapidly called high-density, to rest less frequently to stimulate muscle groups exercise "is built on the basis of the" high…
stimulate growth. Muscle "pump sense" does not stimulate growth. Muscle overload stimulate growth. Once in the adult muscle growth is not a natural process. It must adapt to overload ignited. To a muscle growth is necessary to have a reason. Muscle overload…
Kyle Leon is the creator of the Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer and for years, this program is one of the best in the industry of building muscle. In this paper, the program you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of it.Kyle Leon is a well known…
Exercise, diet and lifestyle does not last beyond your genes can they affect not only the color of hair and eyes, but also play a vital role in your natural sportiness and. The shape of your bodySomatotype: A person of similar build, how thick, how your…
When people discuss chicken production, the focus of the topic is usually the final product, that growth rate and production performance of the broilers. This powerful performance of meat production of poultry, the real creators breeding company has…
You may be wondering why muscle is always stressed, is the reason that it is the dream of every person to have a beautiful body structure that will be admired by many. There are various muscle building programs, and one that I tell you is very important…
Are the largest muscle groups in the entire human body in the legs. The two greatest enemies of the leg muscles are the type of work you are sitting in an office. Throughout the day, legs together and uncomfortable, and eating foods rich in saturated…