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Plašite li se peeplea? na ovoj mreži možete završiti i bez svoje volje!
Zamislite da svaki put kada izađete na ulicu, priđete devojci ili idete na razgovor za posao na sebi nosite izlepljene etikete po kojima su vaše bivše devojke i saradnici ispisali sve što misle o vama. Osećali biste se kao pokretno…
So this is why you can’t stop checking your phone
(Image: Cheap Prom Dresses) We’ve all been there. You check your phone for an update. Two minutes later, you check it again, even though it hasn’t beeped. Then you meet your friend for a brunch date, but she can’t relax without her mobile on the…
Lala kent's crush on tom schwartz will make the vanderpump rules reunion so awkward
(Image: Cheap Prom Dresses UK) Monday's Vanderpump Rules reunion is going to be one thing, and one thing only: amazing. Of course, it's only part one of 465, as Bravo likes to milk these things, but still. Superfans of the show will no doubt be treated…
Ovo je facebook buducnosti !
Mogućnost da se bude u kontaktu sa stotinama prijatelja na Facebook-u je standard za milione ljudi širom sveta. Međutim, zamislite da možete da se transportujete na rajsko mjesto, kada god poželite, da biste mogli da ih vidite? VTime slovi…
Take a look at designer prom dresses for your happy day
Listen to this. Last year her date for the first prom shows up at the door, but she's not there yet. She's at her girlfriends still getting ready. So he sits down at the kitchen table and we have a meaningful conversation for a half hour. One where I…
Kratak vodič za izbor dobrog hostinga za sajt
Odabiranje pravog web hosta je prvi korak u stavljanju vaše stranice na Internet. Da bi vaša stranica bila dostupna, potreban joj je „domaćin“. Upravo tu uslugu pruža web host. Web hosting kao usluga uključuje prostor gdje…
Some reasons to fall in love with pink prom dress
The prom collection offers an extremely versatile assortment of dresses with a love for chic silhouettes, bold patterns, and a trendy flair that will look flawless on almost everyone! These mostly short party dresses are where comfort meets style, with…
Who jumps into a dress for an occasion very often
Marks and Spencer have gone all out to create the ultimate denim style guide video and denim FAQ section, to help women tackle the frustrations that come with the task of finding the perfect fitting pair of denim jeans. Me and a few other bloggers helped…
I also received an invitation via mail that included
Yey for themed parties and guests who are all game! I saw all these and more last week during birthday, sponsored by Clara Ole (totyal!). Read on why this is one of the BEST birthday parties I've ever attended! Something wicked this way comes! The Event…
Fat cells are converted into muscle mass
Finally I am back in Berlin and left Warsaw one week ago. The big report will be soon on the blog but until then I want to show you this look I shoot just as I arrived in Germany. Unfortunately the weather is not that good in Berlin so I decided for…
Policistični jajnici: kako prepoznati i lečiti
Sindrom policističnih jajnika (PCOS- od engl. skraćeno polycystic ovary syndrome) je najčešći endokrinološki poremećaj – endokrinopatija – kod žena fertilne dobi. Učestalost sindroma iznosi 15-20% kod mladih devojaka,…
Only 7 minutes and a chair to train your body this weekend
There are no excuses! With only 7 minutes and a chair you can train your body this weekend and burn calories, fats and tone different muscles easily, without having to leave your House or have expensive equipment or a wide physical space to do so. For…
3 principa usavršavanja koja nas vode do vrha
Ako zelite da se istaknete u onome cime se bavite, ako zelite da ljudi znaju za Vase ime, cak I pre nekog znacajnijeg uspeha…da li imate srce, stav I najbitnije od svega da li imate volju da delujete cak I kada nema nikoga naspram vas? Kada jos…
Maquiagem para o dia, usando a naked smoky
Hello girls, today's tutorial is a makeup option for the day, using bright colors and a touch of color under the eyes, I love the passion and I use that make style, it leaves an incredible result in the look without regret ! This time I used the new…
Youth feat. polette
Today I'm sharing with you my newest chic affordable fashion find. Polette is an online optician that is a leader in the french market for eyeglasses and sunglasses. There is no middle-men, which makes their glasses able to be sold at affordable prices…