Kojih stvari se vi sećate iz vašeg detinjstva? Da li su to scene koje vaši roditelji i prijatelji pominju ili nešto sasvim drugo? Da li se sećate baš onog novogodišnjeg poklona iz ’85. ili su u vašim…
Najnovije na Teslio.com
There has been a considerable transformation over the years in the way women like to adorn themselves. Also, fashion trends for women have changed considerably. One of such amazing transformations is the advent of designer kurtis that not only appear…
Ovo je jedna od najlepših tema koju smo poželeli da podelimo sa Vama, a ujedno je i tema koja je učinila u mnogome da se probudimo, trgnemo i da shvatimo šta je ono što u životu treba da učinimo kako bismo bili bliži ostvarenju…
Trying to select a floral concept for a wedding (or anything for a wedding, really) can be extremely overwhelming, so my advice would be to find people and/or vendors that you love and that have similar tastes to yours, and just let it go — you…
Da bi očistili bojler od kamenca morate otvoriti kazan bojlera to jest skinuti grejač. Procedura skidanja grejača u bojleru je manje više kod svih proizvođača slična. Kao najvažnije isključite dovod struje, najbolje bi bilo da skinete…
If you like camping, a couple of that essentially the most important piece of equipment materials are to bring with you is a camping tent will certainly accommodate whole group. Are usually several many different outdoor outdoor tents to choose from,…
Children are the flowers of life. It is our pleasure and weakness. We love them infinitely and infinitely dream about them. But not always able to conceive. The interesting thing is that this often causes lie not so much in the health problems of women…
I am always on the search for cute one piece swimming suits and the second I found this suit I knew I had to have it! From the ruffles to the lace....it was amazing! It's always good to have a classic one piece in your collection of suits. I put a bunch…
I love to shop in my own closet. No really, sometimes I feel like I'm shopping in my own closet since I discover items I never or once wore and completely left behind. That's what happened with this wrap leather skirt. Now if only I didn't have problems…
Sta znači biti srećan? Ako je sreća nešto što možemo pronaći na svakom koraku, zašto je onda većini ljudi danas tako teško da trajno sačuvaju osećaj mira, ispunjenosti i zadovoljstva? Odgovori se možda postavljaju…
Over recent years eyebrows have become quite the beauty statement. From bleached out “barely there” brows to the big and bold Cara Delevigne approach to face adornment it’s hard to ignore that these days not only do your clothes need to be on trend,…
In the beginning it was still exciting, thrilling, and somehow beautiful, this travel fever. But eventually it just was not funny anymore. We knew of course that it would be exhausting - it's always tough to fly to the other shit end of the world. But…
Destination weddings are BIG at the moment, I seem to be getting as many destination weddings land in my inbox as UK weddings. Holding a wedding in Italy is especially popular, so today I would like to introduce you to Your Wedding in Villa, a wedding…
Uspešni ljudi razmišljaju jakim umovima. Mentalno se pripremaju svaki dan tako da budu spremni da se suoče sa svakodnevnim izazovima na koje bi mogli da naiđu u svom životu. Ovih sedam neustrašivih načina, sastavljenih po Forbes-u,…
You should wear them if you aren't too short and you have a tiny waist. A high heel is the perfect match for culottes, but you can also wear them with kitten heels or even loafers if you happen to be Keira Knightley. Wear them the basic way with a plain…