Herpes miracle

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outbreak or recurrence

The symptoms of an active herpes outbreak or recurrence will occur in the following phases. Symptomatic Course of the Herpes simplex virus HSV:
The area of infection will experience Swelling, tenderness and/or redness will generally appear before the actual outbreak, and may include itching and sensitivity. The inflammation may never progress to blisters.
Blisters & Lesions
One or several clusters of fluid filled blisters/lesions will appear. Tiny red bumps, or rash may form and can resemble small fissures, especially near the anus.
Ulceration & Weeping
When the skin break on the blisters, small, round, wet looking, ulcers leaking clear to milky colored fluid can be seen .

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Crusting & Scabbing
The sores begin to dry, scab, and crust over beginning the healing process. The virus may still be present until the ulcer has completely healed, and the scab falls off.
NOTE: the sores do not always crust before healing.
Healing & Recovery
New skin is formed and may look slightly red, or silver. Viral replication is complete, the virus has left the skin’s surface, and the skin is now safe to touch. The virus then retreats into the nerves and lies dormant. Healing of the skin does not normally leave scarring but if the scab is removed unnaturally scar may be experienced.

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