Nothing builds self -

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Nothing builds self - esteem and self - confidence like accomplishment. - Thomas Carlyle Top discounts alpen. Always look at what you have left. Never look at what you have lost. - Robert H. Schuller.
Great art picks up where nature ends. - Marc Chagall.
Control your destiny or somebody else will. - Jack Welch.
You've got to create a dream. You've got to uphold the dream. If you can't, go back to the factory or go back to the desk. - Eric Burdon.
Though you cannot go back and start again, you can start from now and have a brand new end. - Unknown Author.
Not failure, but low aim, is a crime. - James Russell Lowell.
You don't have to fear defeat if you believe it may reveal powers that you didn't know you possessed. - Napoleon Hill.
A belief is not merely an idea the mind possesses. it is an idea that possesses the mind. - Robert Bolton.
The universe is change. our life is what our thoughts make it. - Marcus Aurelius.
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