Yeast infection infertility in males and females and the reasons for the latest methods of treatment

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Tags: Yeast Infection No More, Yeast Infection No More Review, Yeast Infection Program
Can be enumerated as follows: the most important effects that harm the sperm in men: 1 - Smoking and drugs such as marijuana and banjo, heroin and alcohol addiction, alcohol 2 - Repeated exposure to chemical contamination, such as inhalation continuing to insecticides as well as the constant exposure to the pelvic area of high temperature (to stand down before the oven wearing underwear narrow down and engage in sports training violent that generate heat continuously around the testes. 3 - Lack of vitamin C 4 - The use of some medications for a long time, such as hormones construction stimulant used by athletes to build muscle and drugs. 5 - High blood pressure may spoil the blood vessels in the the penis so that less degree aroused. 6 - Obese man difficult process of sexual intercourse on one hand, is also working clogged arteries, not full erection of the penis causes of infertility in females: different causes of infertility in different types initial return causes usually for diseases hormonal or immaturity genitals for reasons of congenital. As secondary infertility may occur due to complications of childbirth or abortion or infections that may infect the uterus and Fallopian tubes, diseases ovary: which may lead to irregular ovulation may arise as a result of aging or as a result of medical conditions related to the functions of several endocrine glands in the body, such as poly cystic ovaries and be the cause of infertility as a result of a defect in ovarian function and disease ovary may be because of - the presence of bags on the ovary - ovarian failure in his natural was happening congenital defect in the genes and pigments - occurrence of a congenital defect in enzymes and exposure to stimuli such as: radiation exposure in large quantities., and exposure to chemicals - ovaries surgically.
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