Yeast infection diagnosis of infertility in males and females, and the reasons for the latest methods of treatment

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Yeast Infection No More, Yeast Infection No More Review, Yeast Infection Program
Infertility utter painful does not know its meaning, but the one who marries him, or went to the doctor in order to inquire about the lack of it, because having children is all-too-husband and wife was the subject of infertility is more like a ghost appears to couple a year after the marriage without giving birth, often marriages. You may find its way to failure when dancing ghost infertility in front of a couple, and if infertility indicator and the end of the inevitability of the marital relationship, so let's reader, we recognize together through " on infertility in terms of the concept and its species, and the causes and possible treatments, and more psychological factors that lead to infertility, both for males or females. Infertility: Infertility is the inability to conceive after at least one year of normal sexual life without the use of any contraceptives for both spouses and the types and causes of infertility, including: Primary infertility: an infertility, which affects women since the beginning of her sexuality or her marriage. – Secondary infertility: The affects women after having a baby or a pregnancy end abortion or topic pregnancy. - Male Infertility: because of idle sperm and it cannot get to the female egg and fertilize. Causes of infertility: causes of infertility, and are distributed as follows: 1-35% of them in men 2-35% of them in women 3-5% for unknown reasons causes infertility in male: many reasons to impede the man of childbearing temporarily or permanently the causes of infertility in men as a result of three factors: 1 - Hormonal causes: relate to disorder in the functions of the pituitary gland, in the bottom of the brain, or other glands that affect testicular function, such as the thyroid and adrenal and pancreas. 2 - Internal reasons in testis: such as the absence of mother cells producing sperm, or cirrhosis of the testis, which may occur as a complication of mumps, especially in adulthood and beyond. And exposure testicular radiation or drugs and harmful effect of the presence of functions by, in addition to neglect the treatment of undecided testicle in early. 3 - causes obstructive: as a result of blockage of the spermatozoa cord because of congenital factors, or inflammatory device, or the result of some surgical interventions that affect on the passage of sperm from the testicles, and even getting out of the front opening of the urethra.
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