Yeast infection the man is not inclined to marry a smart woman and favored limited intelligence

Категорија: Главна
Тагови: Yeast Infection No More, Yeast Infection No More Review, Yeast Infection Program

Confirmed the latest scientific studies that men preferred to link women's limited intelligence, which has a smiling permanently and condone a lot of errors husband, has become the man tends not to marry a woman smart sour upon his life and prefer to link women's limited intelligence, which left him a space of freedom does not calculated by each movement or action or behavior. phenomenon man refused to marry a smart woman and a preference by women less intelligent, has become widespread even in developed Western countries, which see the man where the smart wife turns to a computer organizer made mistakes and movements, and hold him accountable on both large and small, and cannot also overlook anything of his actions, which find a bit of a shortage, defect.

The man became tends not to marry smart women are sour him his life, and preferably link women limited intelligence, which leave him an area of freedom, do not count him every movement or action or behavior. Attributed the study - which was conducted on more than 500 men from various social levels, mostly in the age of marriage - the reason for the spread of the phenomenon mile man to link women less intelligent that modern man is still embraces the same ideas and beliefs that were among his ancestors, who prefer beautiful women, and reject completely the women smart.

Majority of men respondents The study preferred to link women Limited Intelligence, which enjoys a particular name on a permanent basis, and overlook a lot of errors pair, while the preferred minority, most of them low-income, link women smart ambitious, and so help them to achieve their ambitions together in a family occupies a place high on the social ladder.

At the end of the study provide expert advice of family affairs in France to every girl wants to marry, content to hide the degree of intelligence: not even escape them men, and more interested in showing its beauty: because the majority of men prefer beauty in women's IQ.

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