Strengthen the muscles or increase its size

Kategorija: Glavna
Tagovi: Muscle Seek, Muscle Building, Muscle Seek Program

Question in mind a lot of the pioneers of gyms (Gym) and also sports lovers’ body building and muscle strengthening, what is the difference between muscle strengthening and amplified any increase in size and what are the exercises that will help that.

There are too many answers to this question. The first type is to increase muscle strength and try to burn the fat that surround it usually follows this system at the beginning of programs to build muscle, which is used in which the trainee light weights ranging between 30 to 50% of the maximum weight that can lift it once, and be repeat These exercises more, ranging from 12 to 15 repeat each muscle. Muscle Seek  The second type, which inflate the muscles, usually is the second phase of the programs, the muscles that tries to individual sports accessible to the size of the muscle appropriately with his body and desires, and to increase the size of the muscle always uses heavy weights, which are a percentage of 60 to 80% of the maximum weight that can him once, and be very few Altkart ranging from one iteration to 5 iterations at most. There are some athletes who resort to the two types together in order to achieve the required balance, but certain conditions must be under the guidance of coach your hall, and at most resort to this system some players lifting weights in the timing of certain of their program training.

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