- xxx
- Član od 30. jun. 2012.
- Muško
O meni
Omiljeni brendovi

hi ja Nelly vidjela sam tvoj profil ovdje, vaš profil je vrsta cool i zanimljivo pisati za vas za prijatelje ako vas molimo da ću voljeti znati više o vama ovdje je moj e-mail adresa () sva komunikacija trebala se kroz moj e-mail držati cool ()
hi am Nelly i saw your profile here,your profile is kind of cool and interesting to write to you for friends if it please you i will love to know more about you here is my email address() all communication should be through my email keep cool()
hi am Nelly i saw your profile here,your profile is kind of cool and interesting to write to you for friends if it please you i will love to know more about you here is my email address() all communication should be through my email keep cool()
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