- hatemyself
- Rođen 26. feb. 1999.
- Član od 3. jul. 2020.
- Muško
- London
O meni
Hello! My name is Johny Blacks, my age - 21 years old. I am fond of EU football, UK rave music scene, also I am new about website creating and game development. Studying for a sailor, but I got some skills in architecture. By the way, after a while you will be able to see for my try of game development. The Card Game will be released.Recently I have made a website with a game in it! Here is the link for it - https://www.couchcasino.review/best-roulette-casinos/
Also I want become a streamer, but I need some time to choose a platform for which I will work for.To be honest, I am not well experienced about creating my own websites, but I will try to do my best. Good luck and thanks for the opportunity to be the part of that big community!
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zadovoljstvo mi je upoznati te. Moje ime je Rezabeth Mamby. Htio bih se upoznati s tobom. Ja sam romantična i zabavno je biti s njom. Pročitao sam vaš profil i zaista vam želim pokazati svoje zanimanje. Tražim iskrene i smislene intimne odnose s ljubavlju, strašću i romantikom. Molim vas, bit će mi drago ako mi pošaljete e-mail na moju privatnu e-mail adresu (). Poslat ću vam svoje slike i reći vam više o sebi i svojim budućim planovima. Puno ljubavi, nadam se da ću se uskoro čuti.
gospođice Rezabeth.