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Disadvantages of fasting for weight loss
One of the major drawbacks to this type of diet is that the brain requires glucose to function. Glucose is actually able to cross the blood brain barrier, provide nutrients needed by brain cells. Since the brain needs glucose to function, the absence…
4 diseases for which doctors can make mistakes
Migraine or a problem with the ears.-May: temporomandibularen articular syndrome.-Why is the confusion? When the joint connecting the jaw and skull fester, pain spreads and causes headaches or trouble with the ears. Temporomandibularniât articular…
5 herbs effective against depression
Depression is a widespread condition affecting millions of people around the world, many of which are led by the pharmaceutical industry that the serotonin drugs and other antidepressants are the only possible treatment.…
Phytotherapy vitiligo
In 1959, it was suggested that the basis of vitiligo is autosensibilization to pathologically altered melanocytes and tyrosinase but attempts to identify antibody or cytotoxic lymphocytes were unsuccessful.Phytotherapy vitiligo - Every year the flow…
The most frequent errors in the use of drugs
According to the statistics in some countries (where it is available), about 1% of people use the wrong variety of medications as a result of this leads to complications. for the…
Hyperhidrosis – how to get rid of excessive sweating
Reason no. 5: vegetative-vascular DystoniaIt is a disease of the autonomic nervous system, which in addition to other effects, distorted and heat exchange. This is due to the fact that when the vegetative-vascular dystonia blood s″vode expand and…
Da li je vreme da menjate posao? astrolozi vam mogu dati odgovor
Prilikom donošenja bitnih odluka u životu, u onim nezgodnim situacijama u kojima je neophodno „prelomiti“, ljudi prolaze kroz različite dileme i preispitivanja. Te situacije se često odnose na razmišljanja o dosadašnjem…
10 reasons to be sleepy during the day.
part of the day-the body gets tasks that are atypical in a normal diet, and among them the brain remains secondary. 7. alcohol and drug abuse leads to stress, and as a result, the need for sleep is unlocked…
Gastro-intestinal disorders
Prevention of infectious gastroenterokolitiShe is of especially great importance and involves a few key points:-compliance with comprehensive personal hygiene (especially important is washing hands with hot water and SOAP after each visit to the bathroom);-use…
The most effective tips on weight loss
Losing weight without dieting is one of the most effective weight losses. It is in losing weight without dieting result may persist throughout life. It is important to lose weight gradually and incrementally introduced into your life those or other restrictions…
Cardio-vascular diseases
The use of saturated animal fat can lead to obesity, but the intake of polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3 (which is rich in fish and other foods of marine origin) prevents the accumulation of fat and helps to reduce insulin resistance, says Spanish…
Onion diet: minus 5 kg per week
Onion diet: Minus 5 kg per week - Onion diet is very popular in France, with the French wanting to get rid of a few extra inches in problem areas. About the effectiveness of this diet can be judged by recognized harmony Frenchwomen. yoga for weight loss…
Low-caloric diets and cravings don't save of cellulite
Those who are trying to get rid of cellulite by using a low-calorie diets or starvation, they make a big mistake. The result of such "measures" is the opposite – in the body accumulate new fats that are superimposed in the form of so-called. Orange…
Why sugar is harmful
Could something so sweet and tasty to damage so much? Alas, Yes! However, if you don't know exactly how sugar negatively impacts on your health below offer you something, hopefully, useful-meet 10 major reasons why it is better to limit it in their diet:1.…
Keep attacking the body practicing yoga on a regular basis
Following the visit of these five steps, you will be endowed with a healthy body, mind and spirit be quiet. Meditation is a very effective intellectual or conscious part of yoga. Meditation helps compose the mind through increasing levels of concentration.…