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How to build muscle
So you have decided that you want to get in shape. You've started eating healthy, embarked on a new cardio program, and have gotten yourself a crazy expensive gym membership and a new pair of workout shorts that make your legs look fantastic. You drape…
Eating more can help you lose weight
I love food. Period. When it comes to eating I get just about as excited as Britney Spears at the front of the line at Starbucks. I am either constantly eating food, or thinking of where I am going to get it. If i don't eat every few hours, i get grumpy…
Surprise abs training mistakes to avoid
Ouch. Big weekend huh? Indulge just a little too much in those irresistible burgers at that party you went on Sunday afternoon? Is there an empty ice cream container on top of your garbage about to get thrown out along with your dignity? Bet you're feeling…
Eat junk food and lose weight
I fell off the wagon. Well not so much fell off as opposed to took a running leap off it and knocked myself unconscious when I hit the ground... and then the wagon backed up over me for good measure. You see I was at a friend's birthday party on the…
Get the body you want in 90 minutes a week
The other day I wrote a post about an exciting new book I read, Pure Physique, and how it's principles of weight training were revolutionary and that it explains why we spend so much time lifting weights but never see any improvement in muscle size.…
15 foods that boost your metabolism
Wouldn't it be great if you could just pop a pill and get the body you have always wanted? Yeah, we would all like something as easy as that, and supplement companies are well aware of this and flood our televisions and magazines with commercials and…
Weight training burns more fat than cardio
So you have decided that you want to lose some weight. You have replaced those twinkies with celery and carrot sticks, take a different route so you don't bypass your neighborhood Burger King on the way home from work, and have your ipod set to the repeat…
Foods that burn fat: the top 10 lists
You know, there are some days where I just don't feel like writing all that much. Whether I have writers block and feeling a little under the weather, or my DVR is completely backed up and I need to catch up on my re-runs of Buffy The Vampire Slayer,…
The ultimate exercise for a rock hard body
Do you spend countless hours at the gym working out your pecs, shoulders and biceps and don't pay much attention to your legs? That may be the reason why you are not seeing any increases muscle gains. Most people hate leg days, and rightly so; a good…
Lose belly fat fast with these 2 secrets
So a lot of you loved the article I posted the other day from Fitness expert Michael Geary, the International Fitness expert who is regular writer for Muscle and Fitness Magazine, and author of the top selling fat loss bookThe Truth About Abs, a book…
3 principles you must know to burn fat faster
There is a new fat burning, weight loss program on the market that is gaining popularity pretty quickly. It's known as the "Fat Burning Furnace" and is authored by Rob Poulos. Check out the article below that Rob has written about Intensity, Volume and…
Exercises that build more muscle and burn more fat
Are you one of those people that head to the gym and perform countless amounts of bicep curls and wonder why your arms are still the size of toothpicks? Perhaps you do a ton of pec flies and wonder why your chest still resembles that of a pre-pubescent…
How to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time
Feeling a little flabby? Have those new man-spanks started to look appealing to you in the department store window? Perhaps you have been making a weekly visit to the spray tanner to have your abs "contoured"? What you need to increase your muscle mass…
What is the ideal body fat to see your abs?
See those ripped men and women on the front covers of all those glossy health and fitness magazines? Do you often sit there and stare at their abs wondering if you will ever be able to achieve a body so buff and ripped? I do. However it's the Bon Appetit…
Are you "skinny fat?"
There are a few words and phrases in the English language that when thrown around strike fear into the hearts of many. For men it's great to be lean, but mention "skinny" and it will send them sprinting to the nearest Burger King to down a supersized…